Supertrimmer-100 Three-Knife Trimmer

Supertrimmer-100 is an automatic trimming solution which can automatically finish all the processes from untrimmed book feeding, positioning, pressing, and trimming to trimmed book delivery.

Supertrimmer-100 Three-Knife Trimmer

Supertrimmer-100 is an automatic trimming solution which can automatically finish all the processes from untrimmed book feeding, positioning, pressing, and trimming to trimmed book delivery. 

Supertrimmer-100 applies high quality steel casting and rigid frame to ensure the high accuracy of trimming. It can be used either as a stand-alone machine or connect in-line with Challenger-5000 and Superbinder-7000M perfect binder for fast and efficient book production.


Outstanding Features

 High productivity, robust design, easy operation and high accuracy of trimming. 

 No book no cut control avoids unnecessary movements and extend the machine lifetime.

 All key components are from world-class suppliers to ensure consistent superior high quality.

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